"the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way."
"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Hi guys,
Long time since i wrote on my blog.....and i had so much great shoots to show you and tell you about.
Last month p.e. i did a photo shoot with Naesha from Glitzy handbags and accessorizes, she wanted some fun and beautiful pictures of her and her bags. So this blog is coming soon.

But i also did some free work sessions.....it felt like my creative brain was on fire these last weeks :-)
I saw this beautiful painting of Francis Sling at Bloemhof where i just needed to get some pictures taken of.
I asked the daughter of a friend if she wanted to be my model and so it was all set. She came with her friend and we had so much fun.

And what about Mia?! For World Down Syndrome Day i wanted to do a special photo shoot with her. So i told her mom about this idea i had...and Mia made it perfect.
A great make up- fashion-glamour shoot.

And then last week i saw an inspirational picture of girls on roller skates...and again my mind could not stop working....
I found the best model for this shoot with roller skates and we went to the colorful streets in Otrobanda.

Besides these free work inspiration shoots i also had the greatest clients , with lots of fun shoots on the beach, in town and in my studio.
So i owe you guys lots of new blog posts . And no worries....they are coming . :-)
Just a little bit of patience.....
and for now i hope you are happy with these sneak peeks and i talk to you soon.
"Don't shoot what it looks like, shoot what it feels like."